Dental Crowns in Restorative Dentistry

Dental Crowns in Restorative Dentistry

Dental crowns are protective coverings placed over damaged or weakened teeth by the dentist in Agoura Hills, CA, to restore their shape, function, and aesthetics. These custom-made caps are crafted from materials such as porcelain, metal alloys, or a combination of both, and they fit snugly over the prepared tooth. By encasing the tooth entirely, dental crowns provide strength and support, preventing further damage while enhancing appearance. They are commonly used in restorative dentistry to address issues like decay, fractures, large fillings, or cosmetic concerns, ultimately improving oral health and restoring confidence in one's smile.

The Role of Dental Crowns in Restorative Dentistry

Strengthening Weakened Teeth

One of the primary purposes of dental crowns in Agoura Hills, CA, is to strengthen weakened teeth. Teeth significantly compromised by decay, fractures, or large fillings may lack the structural integrity needed for normal function. Dental crowns provide a durable protective covering that encases the entire tooth, effectively reinforcing its structure and preventing further damage. By distributing biting forces evenly across the tooth's surface, crowns help to prevent fractures and ensure long-term durability.

Protecting Damaged Teeth

In addition to strengthening weakened teeth, dental crowns protect them from further deterioration. When a tooth is extensively decayed or fractured, leaving it untreated can lead to more severe problems, such as infection or tooth loss. Covering the entire tooth surface, crowns act as a barrier against bacteria, plaque, and other harmful substances that could penetrate the tooth and cause additional damage. This protection is vital for preserving the underlying tooth structure and maintaining oral health.

Restoring Tooth Structure

Another crucial purpose of dental crowns is restoring compromised teeth' natural shape, size, and function. Teeth that have been damaged or worn down may lose their original form, making them prone to further damage and affecting the bite and alignment of surrounding teeth. Dental crowns are custom-made to replicate the natural anatomy of the tooth, ensuring a precise fit and optimal function. Whether addressing significant decay, fractures, or extensive wear, crowns can effectively rebuild and restore teeth to their original state, enabling patients to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Contact us today!

Improving Aesthetics

Beyond their functional benefits, dental crowns also play a vital role in enhancing the aesthetics of a smile. Teeth that are discolored, misshapen, or otherwise cosmetically flawed can detract from a person's appearance and confidence. Dental crowns offer a versatile solution for addressing these concerns, providing natural-looking restorations that blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth. Whether using porcelain, ceramic, or porcelain-fused-to-metal materials, crowns can be customized to match the color, shape, and texture of the patient's natural teeth, resulting in a healthy and beautiful smile.

The Procedure for Dental Crown Placement

The first step in the dental crown placement process is a thorough examination of the affected tooth by the dentist at Hilltop Dental by Dr. George Apelian. This examination may include X-rays to assess the extent of damage or decay. Once the need for a dental crown is determined, the tooth is prepared for crown placement. This involves removing any decayed or damaged tissue and shaping the tooth to create space for the crown. The amount of tooth structure removed depends on the crown's type and material.

After the tooth is prepared, impressions or digital scans of the tooth and surrounding teeth are taken. These impressions are a blueprint for crafting a custom-made crown that fits precisely over the prepared tooth. In traditional impressions, a putty-like material is placed in a tray and pressed onto the teeth to create a mold. Alternatively, digital scans use advanced imaging technology to create a digital model of the teeth, offering a faster and more comfortable process.

While the permanent crown is fabricated in a dental laboratory, a temporary crown may be placed over the prepared tooth to protect it and maintain aesthetics. Temporary crowns are usually made from acrylic or stainless steel and are designed to provide temporary protection and functionality until the permanent crown is ready. It's essential to follow the dentist's instructions regarding the care and maintenance of the temporary crown to ensure its stability during the interim period.

Once the permanent crown is ready, typically within two to three weeks, the temporary crown is removed, and the permanent crown is carefully fitted and cemented onto the prepared tooth. The dentist ensures proper alignment, bite, and aesthetics before finalizing the placement. Any adjustments may be made to ensure the crown fits comfortably and functions correctly. Finally, the crown is polished to a smooth finish, blending seamlessly with the surrounding teeth for a natural appearance.

From strengthening and protecting weakened teeth to enhancing aesthetics and promoting longevity, crowns offer many advantages that improve oral health and overall well-being. Visit Hilltop Dental by Dr. George Apelian at 30300 Agoura Road, Ste. 230, Agoura Hills, CA 91301, or call (818) 865-8651 to determine whether dental crowns are the right option for restoring and rejuvenating your smile.

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Agoura Hills, CA

30300 Agoura Road, Ste. 230, Agoura Hills, CA 91301


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